Monday, October 26, 2009

Kill Bed Bugs - Methods

When it comes to the methods about how to kil the bed bugs there are many procedures we know are get to know while we search the internet engine. But we should be intelligent enough to know that if we truly need to terminate these bugs from our sweet house then we should combine two methods together to be more effective to eradicate them. Because by doing so it can be a lethal weapon to kill the bed bugs effectively and permanently. Here are some methods which you can implement to kill these creepy creatures.
It is very much important to note that these bugs are very tiny enough to be seen with the naked eye when they blend themselves well in with their living environments. In addition, they do come out only in the late nights to feed which makes extremely impossible to see them in the darkness. The places where they can hide include cracks, crevices, electrical outlets, carpets, furniture, beds, sofas, mattresses and even behind wallpaper. They do form their colonies quickly behind the above said places.

It is very important to kill these bed bugs once and for all. Firstly you should vacuum your entire house and very much importantly the places where there are maximum chances of their living. The above said places should be given maximum attention. This will help to kill the bugs and the laid eggs which are not still hatched and prevent the colony from multiplying. Move your furniture upside down to locate the cracks and then follow the procedures to more effective results. But after doing the vacuum procedure ensure that you seal all the cracks under the furniture’s and the other cracks in the house so that the bugs don’t enter the place again.

After this procedure, carry on the steam procedure in your house. It is the best procedure to kill the bed bugs completely. The professional exterminators use the steam cleaning procedure to kill the bugs. These bugs can hardly survive at temperatures above 110 degrees Fahrenheit to resist. This hot temperature heat kills the bugs completely, and then after it is up to us to clean up the remains of dead bugs and make sure that you don’t have to deal with the bed bug problem ever again. This is the most effective procedure to kill the bugs effectively.
And after effectively usage of the steam procedure, carry on the vacuum procedure again to ensure that there are no more the bugs in the house. By using these procedures combining you can be ensured of no more bugs in your house any more. But to make these procedures be effective you have to repeat these steps for several days and even up to a week. And after a week your home is free of these little creepy creatures.

But in case you still find these bugs still in your home crawling the walls and the floor then you have a bigger problem than you think and you may need to contact a professional exterminator to carry on the job effectively.